Oral cancer most commonly involves the tissue of the lips or the tongue. It may also occur on the:
Smoking and other tobacco use are linked to 70 - 80% of oral cancer cases. Heavy alcohol use is also associated with an increased risk for oral cancer.
Other factors that may increase the risk for oral cancer include:
Oral cancer accounts for about 5% of all cancerous growths. Men get oral cancer twice as often as women do, particularly men older than 40.
Sore, lump, or ulcer:
- Cheek lining
- Floor of the mouth
- Gums (gingiva)
- Roof of the mouth (palate)
Smoking and other tobacco use are linked to 70 - 80% of oral cancer cases. Heavy alcohol use is also associated with an increased risk for oral cancer.
Other factors that may increase the risk for oral cancer include:
- Chronic irritation (such as from rough teeth, dentures, or fillings)
- Human papilloma virus infection
- Poor dental and oral hygiene
Oral cancer accounts for about 5% of all cancerous growths. Men get oral cancer twice as often as women do, particularly men older than 40.
- May be a deep, hard-edged crack in the tissue
- Most often pale colored, but may be dark or discolored
- On the tongue, lip, or other area of the mouth
- Usually painless at first (may develop a burning sensation or pain when the tumor is advanced)