Amazing Advertise

1. A print of a cup of Folgers coffee was placed on top of manhole covers in New York City, USA. Holes on the print allow the steam to come out. Wording around the cup reads, "Hey, City That Never Sleeps. Wake up. Folgers."

2. An innovative idea on a large billboard in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It really makes people want to grab that "Heineken".

3. Life-size stickers of people were stuck on automatic sliding doors at a mall in Mumbai, India. When someone approaches, the doors move apart and it feels like the people on the door are moving away. The person entering finds the message , "People move away when you have body odor".

4. An advertisement found in Malaysia. A sticker was placed on the high voltage box depicting that powerful Duracell batteries were used.

5. A giant mirror was built that allowed passers-by to stop and look at themselves wearing Individual clothes at a shopping mall in Tokyo, Japan.

This is an advertisement found in Vancouver during their National Non-Smoking Week. The car was placed at the Vancouver Art Gallery and the message. It reads, "Death from car accidents: 370. Death from smoking-related causes: 6,027. Quit now before it kills you."