2. An innovative idea on a large billboard in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It really makes people want to grab that "Heineken".
3. Life-size stickers of people were stuck on automatic sliding doors at a mall in Mumbai, India. When someone approaches, the doors move apart and it feels like the people on the door are moving away. The person entering finds the message , "People move away when you have body odor".
4. An advertisement found in Malaysia. A sticker was placed on the high voltage box depicting that powerful Duracell batteries were used.
5. A giant mirror was built that allowed passers-by to stop and look at themselves wearing Individual clothes at a shopping mall in Tokyo, Japan.
This is an advertisement found in Vancouver during their National Non-Smoking Week. The car was placed at the Vancouver Art Gallery and the message. It reads, "Death from car accidents: 370. Death from smoking-related causes: 6,027. Quit now before it kills you."